Thursday, September 4, 2008

Monday, August 18, 2008

Doctor's Hospital Shooting

Spot news: WRBL reporters Kelly O'Connell and Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield at the 2008 Doctor's Hospital shooting.

Alan Singer

Former David Letterman photographer now shoots for Andrew Brooks Photography in Macon, Georgia. I shot this of him at a wedding reception at the Blacksmith Shop in downtown Macon, where he was the photographer.

Riley Yielding and Robbie Wright

Musician Riley Yielding with entertainment reporter and photographer Robbie Wright in background.



Ken is my uncle on my mother's side. I have found him to be extremely photogenic as a character, and have photographed him hundreds of times over the years. To look at him you might not expect him to be the absolute clown that he is.


Mom Retraces Old Steps

In Mom's childhood she and her family would go to Americus to sell cream from cow's milk. As an adult, she worked at Sumter Electric and then McCleskey Mills. She used to have lunch daily with Gloria Spann (President Jimmy Carter's sister) at Elizabeth's Tea Room on Cotton Ave. Those days are long gone and the streets of Americus are empty of what and who Mom knew.

Copy Cats

Taking refuge from Ivy.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Ashley and Matt

Ain't love grand? These two are clearly in love and enjoying every minute of their wedding reception. I wish them this same happiness every day, forever.